Christmas is a time to spend with loved ones; a time for reconnecting with family and friends. Here at Sun Country Hearing, we understand just how valuable that connection is and want to help! Often holidays, such as Christmas, are not as enjoyable as they could be when you have an untreated hearing loss that may make you feel isolated . However, hearing aids are not always a feasible option due to financial constraints, especially during the holiday season. As your local audiology clinic, we see and understand the importance of communication and social contact with each pair of hearing aids we fit, so this Christmas, we have decided to share the Gift of Christmas Chear.
Don’t let hearing loss hold back a deserving loved one any longer!
Nominate someone today!
Please see Rules and Conditions below for full details:
1. Submissions must be less than 500 words, detailing what makes the nominee special and why they deserve to receive The Gift of Christmas Chear.
2. Submissions must include an audiogram from a hearing assessment completed within the last 12 months.
3. Submissions must be typed and sent electronically to suncountryhearing@gmail.com or dropped off at 5-418 Kensington Avenue, Estevan, SK during business hours.
4. Nominees must be 18 years of age or older.
5. Nominees must live in the Estevan area and be able to provide their own mode of transportation to the clinic for appointments.
6. Nominees must not be eligible for coverage by a third party, such as Veterans Affairs, WCB, Saskatchewan Supplemental Health, or NIHB.
7. The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges from outside the clinic.
8. By accepting The Gift of Christmas Chear, you give us the right to use your story in advertising. All personal and private information can be changed.
9. The prize includes a full 4 year warranty, including in-office repairs & service, and batteries.
10. Submissions are due no later than midnight on December 4, 2020. Winners will be announced on December 11, 2020 and fit before Christmas.